On 10th September I reached another Milestone, celebrating a birthday that on the face of it doesn’t seem like that
big a deal. It’s an odd number and one that you wouldn’t think twice about. I
celebrated my 33rd Birthday, please hold back those comments saying
I only look 24 (a guy can dream!) because I don’t mind being this old. I know
some people hate the thought of getting older but I very rarely feel my age. In
my head I am about 23 – just about mature enough to cope with being an adult,
but young enough to still think I can stay out partying all hours and living
life as much as I can. It’s a good place to be in your head I can tell you.
Anyway you might be thinking “Why is 33 such an important
age?”. Well the answer is, it isn’t really, but there is one bit of trivia
which I keep telling people, which I find quite amusing and I am going to share
it with you. I have now lived as long as Jesus did. Yep, if my GCSE Religion is
anything to go by Our Lord died when I he was 33.
Don’t worry this isn’t going to be a blog comparing me to
the Son of God. I’ll leave that to quartets of 60’s pop Scousers or the weirdo
brigade (here’s looking at you David Icke!). In fact at first glance I am more
like the opposite to Jesus. Not in an Antichrist kind of way, but in a kind of
reverse miracle kind of way. I mean Jesus turned water into wine, and I often
turn wine into “water” (but you wouldn’t want to drink it!). I’ve never given a
Sermon on the mount, mainly because I have to concentrate on the thrusting. And
I can’t raise the dead, in fact I sometimes struggle to raise a smile on some
people. Jesus was Aramaic, whereas I am more Aromatic. You get the picture!
On the other hand I do have some things in common I
suppose. Jesus was good with wood, and so am I (even if I do say so myself)
though admittedly not the same kind of wood. Jesus got angry with the money
lenders, and I too have exchanged some angry letters with Nationwide. Jesus fed
5000 people with loaves and fishes, and I make a mean Fishfinger Butty. Jesus
liked spending time in the company of 12 men and…well this is a family blog so
we best leave that one there :P
So like I say I have not done this blog to big myself up
as a new Son of Man, I just thought I would dispel some myths about being in
your thirties. For example it is still possible for you to party hard like you
did in your twenties. Even now I manage to get out more weekends, drink enough
alcohol to fell Boris Yeltsin, and strut my funky stuff on the dancefloors.
True I normally wake up the next day with calves that are tighter than Tory
Government public funding finance plan, and I feel the tiredness a lot more, but
that is the only difference to a night out when I was 25. The expected aches
and pains of old age have yet to make a proper appearance. I can still get out
of low furniture without groaning. I still know who most of the latest pop
stars are – you won’t hear me saying “Who is Nicky Minge?”
I think I can credit my youthful feelings to my enjoyment
of life and the company I keep. I have been really blessed in that I have an
amazing family, not just my immediate one, but my extended family, which is
HUGE. I have lots of aunts, uncles, hundreds of cousins and we all get on well
together and have a good laugh when we see each other. Seeing my older
relatives enjoying themselves, having a laugh and joke, comparing illnesses (at
some family parties it’s like Ailment Top Trumps!) but still dancing, singing
& laughing makes me realise that I don’t have to be old before my time. If
my 79 year old Nan is still laughing everyday then that’s the way I want to be.
I’ve also been lucky with the friends I have got. I don’t
like to brag (ok well maybe a little bit) but I have lots of friends of varying
ages, and I can honestly say I always enjoy being with them. I have mates who I
don’t see for years, but when we meet up it’s like I saw them the previous
week. I have closer mates who I see often, and again I am always guaranteed
a great laugh whenever I meet them. And the best thing is they still keep
coming. I’ve got mates from school, mates I met by chance on nights out, mates
from work, and now (in these exciting times of Social Media) I have mates I
have met online. Even with the people I haven’t met but know online, most my
Twitter followers, I know I can always find someone to talk to, to have a laugh
with, and to moan to if I am down.
So how can I end this blog? I think I could give you some
of the wealth of my wisdom of how to enjoy life because it has always stood me
in good stead. Let’s call them the Gazabell 7 Commandments (blimey we are back
on religion again!) because I can’t be arsed thinking of 10
Every Day
o It’s
supposed to be the Best Medicine (Diabetics I would still stick to Insulin) and
I think if you can find something to laugh about everyday then things can’t be
all that bad
Take The
o Now
there is a fine line between taking the piss in a vindictive nasty way, and
doing it in a way to make people laugh without hurting someone. I think a bit
of gentle ribbing is a good thing. You have to remember that if you are going
to take the piss don’t do it nastily to their face, and always be prepared to
take the piss out of yourself
Never Forget
You Are Amazing
o I
don’t mean become an arrogant arsehole. I just mean that everyone is special in
their own way. Some people can’t see it in themselves so tell them if they can’t.
Nobody is worthless so never think you are
Something To Look Forward To
o Always
have something in the pipeline that you want to do. It could be meeting up with
friends, planning a holiday, organising a night out, taking the cat to get it’s
claws clipped or playing Volleyball with Nuns. Things are always better when
you have something to count down to.
Something Nice
o I
might come across as a piss-taking cheeky fucker, but I do have a nice side and
I always try to make an effort to say something nice to a least one person a
day. A little thing like that could make a big difference to your day.
Don’t Be
Scared To Be Impromptu
o Some
people don’t like coming out of their comfort zone, but often the best way to
have fun is to do something you haven’t planned, something unexpected. I have
no plans for today, but if I wanted to I could make a video of me dressed as
Sir Lancelot singing “Oh What A Knight”. I could run up and down the street
waving a scarf over my head. I could ring Dame Wincey Willis and quote every
line from the film Short Circuit 2. I’m not going to like, but I like the fact
that my mind can come up with these things and I can do them if I want.
o I
can’t guarantee to be funny all the time, or even any of the time, but I do try
to give it my best shot. If I say something you like don’t be scared to Retweet
it, because like most Tweeps a RT or a Favourite is like cocaine mixed with
Jaegerbombs washed down with Pepsi and vodka and ecstasy (in short very
addictive!) and once you have had it you just want more more more. Don’t be
scared to give me a shoutout either. I would like to hit 5000 followers at some
point (I’ll feed them with Tweet-sized loaves & fishes). You don’t just
have to follow me on Twitter though. You can find me on Tumblr, Path, Facebook,
Instagram, Dailybooth & probably anywhere else you care to look, so feel free
to follow me or spread the word.
I think that should be enough pontificating and spreading
a quick array of utter bollocks into your life for now anyway so Here Endeth
Todays Lesson.